University of Saskatchewan Retirees Association (USRA)
Recently added:
- On the Awards page above, nominations are now open for the five USRA awards for 2024-2025. The closing date for nominations is May 1, 2025.
- On the Newsletters page above the November 2024 issue is available for viewing and download.
- On the About page above see the 2024-2025 Board members and Standing Committee members.
Be informed about tax scams and other scams described in The Little Black Book of Scams, 2nd Canadian edition published in 2018. This Canadian edition is based on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission publication The Little Black Book of Scams which was updated in 2023.
Upcoming Activities
Watch your email for an invitation to attend a couple of weeks before each event.
Speakers, Luncheons, Tours and Events |
Luncheon presentations are held at Saskatchewan Hall, Western Development Museum (unless otherwise specified). |
Wednesday, April 16 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Colleen Dell, PhD, founder and co-director of PAWSitive Connections Lab |
Dr. Dell is an animal therapy researcher and practitioner specializing in treatment for mental health, addictions, and well-being.
Wednesday, May 21 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Dr. Sarah Forgie, Dean, College of Medicine (rescheduled from November 19, 2024) |
Dr. Sarah Forgie, new Dean of the College of Medicine since July of 2024, will highlight the college’s mission and her vision for its future |
Tuesday, June 24 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm USRA Awards and Wrap-Up Celebration Louis' Patio, 93 Campus Drive (if weather is inclement, this event will be held in Louis' Loft) |
Wednesday, September 24 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Evert van Olst, Secretary, Saskatoon Blues Society (SBS) |
Evert van Olst, Secretary of the Saskatoon Blues Society (SBS), will speak on the history of the Society and play some blues for our listening enjoyment. |
Wednesday, October 15 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Note: AGM to follow presentation at approximately 2:00 pm. Jeff O'Brien, City of Saskatoon Archivist |
Saskatoon in the Atomic Age, 1945-1960
Reserve the following dates for presentations at the WDM. Doors open at 11:30 am. Speakers TBA.
Not on our email list? Send us an email at so we can add you to our list.
Suggestions? Please let us know by email if you have suggestions for topics or presenters!
USask and Saskatoon Community
PAWS Login to PAWS to see news and upcoming events on your personalized My Announcements list.
NOTE: Check the Settings for My Announcements to select the categories of news you are interested in. -
Retirement Channel (PAWS sign-in required) Retirees now have access to information on the Retirement Channel through PAWS.
USask Calendar of Dates and Events Search this calendar by college for virtual and other events.
Saskatoon Seniors Continuing Learning Inc. (SSCL)
SSCL, in collaboration with the College of Arts & Science, offers non-degree courses to people aged 55 and better. These popular courses deal with a wide range of literary, political, scientific, historical, religious, and artistic subjects.
Saskatoon Council on Aging (SCOA)
SCOA hosts many seminars and activities of interest to our members.
Calendar of Events See SCOA's calendar for upcoming seminars and events.
YouTube channel Many recorded seminars are available for viewing on the SCOA's YouTube channel.
Previous USRA Presentations Online
Zoom recording and or PowerPoint slides are available for many presentations held between 2020-2022 during Covid-19 in-person gathering restrictions and for one presentation in 2018 from Dr. Tom Wilson. See Previous Presentations.