MOU with the University Renewed to June 30, 2027

On March 27, 2024, President Peter Stoicheff, University Secretary and Chief Governance Officer Julian Demkiw and USRA Co-Presidents Merry Beazely and Jim Thornhill signed a second Memorandum of Understanding which reinforces our shared goals and the benefits and support provided by the University to both the USRA and all individual retirees.

New in the second MOU is the University’s commitment to help us promote our goals and activities to current members, retirees who have not yet joined and those planning to retire.

Signed 2024 MOU.

For more information about the second MOU see the article From Our Co-Presidents in the April, 2024 Newsletter.

For more information about the first MOU see the article University and USRA sign MOU in the April, 2021 Newsletter.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Association is to promote and safeguard the interests and welfare of University of Saskatchewan retirees and to provide a means of sustaining a continuing relationship among retirees and between retirees and the University. The objectives of the Association are:

  1. To conduct activities which foster a continuing association among members and between members and the University;
  2. to promote the economic interests and welfare of retirees;
  3. to provide programs of intellectual and social activities for members;
  4. to collectively represent all retirees, whether members or not, in appropriate forums;
  5. to be a channel of communication between the University and its retirees for purposes of responding to the academic and other needs of the University;
  6. to promote the Association and its objectives among employees of the University approaching retirement or who are leaving the University and meet USRA eligibility requirements;
  7. to provide opportunities for retirees, administrative officials, academic staff and other employees of the University (and their associations) to discuss and otherwise pursue matters of common interest;
  8. to cooperate with, assist, and join together with retiree associations at other universities in areas of mutual concern.

The objectives of the Association are facilitated through agreement with the University of Saskatchewan and other organizations.

Governance and Committees

Constitution, By-laws, Policies and Procedures

Constitution revised at 2021 AGM

By-laws revised at 2021 AGM

Policies and Procedures, approved by the Board in May 2023, supplement the USRA Constitution and By-laws and provide detailed guidance on USRA operations.


The Board is elected annually by the membership at a general meeting; it conducts the business of the Association on a day-to-day basis.  

Co-Presidents Merry Beazely and Jim Thornhill
Vice President TBD
Secretary Jacqueline Huck
Treasurer Tom Wilson
Immediate Past President Co-Presidents Jim Thornhill and Merry Beazely
Members-at-Large Joe Angel
Bob Card
Bryan Harvey
David Mandeville
Vera Pezer
Beryl Radcliffe
Kathryn Warden
Picture of USRA Board Members 2024/25
USRA Board Meeting November 5, 2024. From left to right: Tom Wilson, Jackie Huck, Peggy Proctor (stepped away from the board Dec. 24), Vera Pezer, Merry Beazely, Jim Thornhill, Bryan Harvey, Kathryn Warden, Bob Card, Joe Angel, and David Mandeville. Beryl Radcliffe pictured at right.

Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

Standing Committees handle the Association’s normal business.

Ad Hoc Committees are established from time-to-time to address particular needs and issues.


Chair, Members


Merry Beazely, Bryan Harvey, David Mandeville, Vera Pezer, Kathryn Warden


Bryan Harvey


Jacqueline Huck, Joe Angel, Bob Card, Kathryn Warden

Education, Social and Recreation

Jim Thornhill, Bob Card, David Mandeville, Beryl Radcliffe


Beryl Radcliffe, Jacqueline Huck

Campus Heritage

TBD, Bob Card, Vera Pezer, Kathryn Warden

Honorary Degrees

Tom Wilson, Merry Beazely, Bryan Harvey, Vera Pezer, Asit Sarkar, Kathryn Warden


Tom Wilson, Merry Beazely, Jim Thornhill, Kathryn Warden

Ad Hoc Committee to Review USRA Documents

Merry Beazely, Bryan Harvey, David Mandeville, Jim Thornhill

MOU Coordinating Committee

Jim Thornhill, Joe Angel, Rick Bunt

USask Senate Representative

David Mandeville

Annual General Meetings

Annual general meetings must be held on or before November 30.

Minutes available online: 

2023 (draft), 2022, 2021

20202019, 2018, 2017, 2016

2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001

Minutes of AGM meetings 1991-2000 available on request.