Dr. Karim Nasser (PhD)
Professor Emeritus
Civil Engineering, College of Engineerig (1961 – 1994)

Professor Emeritus (PhD) Karim W. Nasser (appointment, 1961, Department of Civil Engineering; retirement, 1994). A native of Lebanon, Karim pursued graduate studies at the University of Kansas and the U of S. He joined the department in 1961. He has been described as "the king of concrete" for his research and many inventions, in particular the K-slump tester, used to test the consistency of concrete. This was used in the building of the CN Tower in 1973 and still in use.
Karim is equally known as an entrepreneur of exceptional ability and as a caring philanthropist. The gift of $12,000,000 that he and his family have given the University this year is the largest ever received by the U of S. It is only the most recent of the many gifts of the Nassers to the University, which has named the downtown campus of the Edwards School of Business, the K. W. Nasser Centre in honour of this generous donor. (photo courtesy of On Campus News)