Dr. Delwyn Fredlund (PhD)
Professor Emeritus
Civil Engineering, College of Engineering (1966 – 2000)

Professor Emeritus Delwyn G. Fredlund (appointment, 1966, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering; retirement 2000). Professor Fredlund's research focuses on the mechanics and behaviour of unsaturated soils. He has published approximately 500 journal articles and conference papers. Sixty-three of his key research papers were republished by the National Research Council as The Emergence of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, the title indicating his importance in this field. Since his retirement, he has mentored young faculty in Singapore, Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan and the United States.
He has received many awards from bodies in six countries, including the Order of Canada (2004). Delwyn was head of his department from 1989 to 1994 and has been appointed adjunct professor, honorary professor, or research professor at universities in Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. He is presently head of the Golder Unsaturated Soils Group, providing research and practical engineering solutions worldwide.