Dr. John McLeod (PhD)

Institute of Child Guidance and Development (1968  1992)

Dr. John McLeod (appointment 1968, Institute of Child Guidance and Development; retirement 1992). John was the first director of the institute, noted for its pioneering research in the areas of Early Childhood Education and Special Education. He developed a number of achievement tests, including the GAP tests, the first commercially-published reading tests based on information theory. He collaborated with the Department of Pediatrics in establishing a clinic that offered diagnosis and remedial treatment for children with learning disabilities. Throughout his career, he received many honours.

Since his retirement, he has received the Saskatchewan Order of Merit (2004), the Council for Exceptional Children Lifetime Achievement Award (2003), the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), and the Canada 125 Medal (1992). In 1996 John was included in Canada Who's Who. He was invited to deliver the keynote address at the national colloquium on dyslexia in Athens, Greece, in 2005.