Dr. David Keegan (MD)

Professor Emeritus
Psychiatry, College of Medicine (1970 - 2004)

Professor Emeritus David Keegan (appointment, 1971, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine; retirement 2004).  Professor Keegan was head of his department from 1983 - 1994 and first joint head of the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatoon Health Region's Departments of Psychiatry, 2003-04.  His area of expertise was in the early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with psychosis as well as the interface of Psychiatry and Medicine (Psychosomatic Medicine).  He continues to be active in his profession as a clinician and in developing the infrastructure of patient care.  

Recipient of many awards during his professorial career, since retirement he has received the President's Commendation for Leadership in Psychiatry in Saskatchewan from the Canadian Psychiatric Association  (2004), the Saskatchewan Centennial Commemorative Medal (2005), the Alumni Service Award (2006), and the Dr. Lionel and Mrs. Mary Hastings Award for Recognition of Clinical Excellence awarded by the Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan (2010).