Dr. R. Lal Kushwaha (PhD)

Professor Emeritus
Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, College of Engineering (1979 – 2007)

Professor Emeritus (PhD) R. Lal Kushwaha (appointment, 1979, Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, College of Engineering; retirement, 2007).   Professor Kushwaha's specialization includes agricultural machinery systems, soil dynamics in tillage and traction, and tribology.  He retired from the University in 2007, but remains active in research and professional engagement.  He has been the lead in negotiating the memorandum of understanding between the U. of S. and Bangladesh Agricultural University (March, 2011).  Lal received many awards throughout his career, including the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers' Presidential Citation for Distinguished Service (2006). 

Since retirement, he has been elected a fellow of Engineers Canada (2009) and of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (2010).  He has received the Distinguished Service Award of the Association of Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers of Indian Origin (2009) and the Bharat Gaurav Award (India Excellence Award), India International Friendship Society (2010).