Dr. David Smith (PhD)

Professor Emeritus
Political Studies, College of Arts and Science (1966  2005)

Professor Emeritus (PhD) David Smith's career as a political scientist (appointment—1966 Political Studies, College of Arts and Science; retirement—2005) is one of astonishing productivity and distinguished service. He is a leading authority on constitutional governance in Canada, with special focus on the central political institutions and political processes of Canadian democracy.

His published works include ten books, four co-authored books, several edited collections, about 100 articles, book chapters, and short monographs. Much of this publication, including three major books, has been since his retirement. Professor Smith's career is also characterized by a tremendous investment of time and energy in public service. He has served on many national bodies, including as a member of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada (1975-1990) and as president of the Canadian Political Science Association (1994-95).

David has received considerable recognition for his scholarly work, including election to the Royal Society of Canada (1981) and the U of S Distinguished Researcher Award (2003). Since his retirement, he has received the Donner Prize in Public Policy for his book The People's House of Commons: Theories of Democracy in Contention (2007), an honorary doctorate from Ryerson University (2010), and the Queen's 60th Jubilee Medal (2012). With John Courtney, he edited the Oxford Handbook of Canadian Politics (2010).