Dr. Alan B. Anderson (PhD)

Professor Emeritus
Sociology, College of Arts & Science (1968 – 2006)

Over thirty eight years, Professor Emeritus (PhD) Alan Anderson has not only contributed to student learning and research in Sociology but also to a larger array of public and social policy formulation processes in Canada. His contribution to scholarship and policy research has continued during retirement years. He continues as a Research Fellow in Ethnic and Indigenous Studies in the Department of Political Studies, a Research Associate of the Community-University Institute for Social Research, and an Associate Member of the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.

Since his retirement, Alan has published two books, several book reviews, conference presentations, journal articles and continued to serve as a referee for a variety of Canadian and international social science journals. He also has been serving as guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic Minority Issues in Europe. He has served and continues to serve as an adjudicator of national research granting institutions such as SSHRC, Canada Research Chair program of SSHRC/NSERC/ CIHR.

At the community level, Alan is active on different initiatives in such areas as urban aboriginal housing, immigrant and refugee settlement, including mentoring of new immigrants and refugees.