Dr. Glen S. Aikenhead (EdD)

Professor Emeritus
Curriculum Studies, College of Education (1971 – 2006)

Glen’s career at the U of S has focused on science education with a cross-cultural, particularly indigenous, perspective. He has been a significant contributor to the development of science curriculum and instruction. Over the past two decades, he has remained committed to application his research into improving student learning experience in cross-cultural contexts in Canada, U.S. and many other countries of Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Caribbean as well as doing assignments for the UNESCO.

His pre-retirement honours include: Canadian Education Association’s Whitworth Award (1990); Canadian Education Researcher of the Year (1990); Canada 125 Commemorative Medal (1992). Following retirement, he held visiting professorships in Australia, Denmark, Japan and Taiwan. He has also continued to publish books and scholarly articles depicting the use of cross-cultural and indigenous perspectives in improving the quality of science education. In 2014, National Association for Research in Science Teaching honoured him with the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research.